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Thank you for your enquiry about the university homestay services through worldwide international student exchange WISE®
Our goal for this program is to provide:
A rich educational experience (linguistically and culturally) for students, and a cultural exchange experience for the host family.
A safe home environment for students and their hosts.
A program in which WISE® is confident that every reasonable measure has been followed in order to ensure the success and educational
value of each placement.
WISE® California College and University Program
Local Support

University Extension at the Universities of California at Davis
International students come to the UC Extensions because of their academic excellence, and because our local communities offer safe environments in which to live and learn about American culture. Although the demographics vary dependant upon a particular nation’s economy, currently the largest percentages of students come from Japan. We have students from all over the world though, with representatives from Europe, the Middle East, South America, Africa and Indochina. Students may be here from 2 weeks to a year or more. Typically students come for either 10 week or 4 week programs. Most students range in age from 18 – 30 years old. Their goal is usually to improve their English speaking ability in order to enhance education and employment opportunities when they return home or to improve their language skills sufficiently to allow them to attend a US College or University to attain their degree.
To qualify for entrance into the ESL Programs, students must provide a financial statement certifying that they have sufficient funds to cover all basic living expenses while in the US. Additionally, they must purchase health insurance from the University upon their arrival.
Host Families

Basic Requirements
WISE® hosts provide a clean, odor free, comfortable and safe environment, with a private bedroom which includes a bed, desk with adequate lighting for studying, dresser and some closet space. The house and neighborhood are clean, pleasant and safe. Since students come here to improve their English skills and knowledge of our culture, household members are required to be proficient in English and speak English at home.
WISE® guarantees families will be within a 45-minute commute by bicycle or bus.
Hosts must inform WISE® of changes in their household prior to accepting a new student.
Support from WISE®
As a national organization, WISE® carries liability insurance to protect host families against any expense not covered by their homeowner’s or renter’s insurance.
The WISE® Program Director will phone you one to two weeks into the program to check in, and is available to counsel and advise throughout the term of placement.
The WISE® Program Director meets with students on campus twice each quarter, and is available to individual students for counseling and advice by appointment.

WISE Foundation
P.O. Box 1332
Dyersburg TN-38025, USA
- 731-287-9948
- wise@wisefoundation.com